How can new architecture support cultural heritage?
  • Penrose slideshow
  • Hastings slideshow image
  • Anhalt slideshow
  • Butterworth Slideshow
  • Slideshow 2


Stephen Day Architecture focuses on design, historic preservation, development and environmental sustainability. We collaborate with a wide variety of colleagues in realizing great projects.


Featured News

The Penrose Walla Walla: New Four Star Hotel in Wine Country

Stephen Day initiated the acquisition, project concept, design, development and has organized the owner group in creating The Penrose Walla Walla, a historic hotel project located on Mill Creek near Whitman College in downtown Walla Walla, Washington.  Located at the center of this nationally-recognized historic town, in one of the most significant, emerging wine producing regions in the world, this project includes both the complete rehabilitation of a National Register-listed historic building… read more

Hastings Building/Hastings Landing Hotel

Stephen Day Architecture has been selected as the lead architect for the Hastings Building/Hastings Landing hotel project, located on the waterfront in the Victorian-era Port Townsend Historic District, a National Register-listed historic area.  Our team, in association with RMC Architects, was selected by the Hastings Estate Company, the legacy owners of this unique 1890-era property, to lead the adaptive re-use of the historic building and a major pier-supported addition.  Our work for this mixed… read more

Stephen Day Architecture Hired as Preservation Architect for The Butterworth Building in Pike Place Public Market Historic District

Our firm has been designated the historic preservation architect for the Butterworth Building, a National Register property located in Seattle's Pike Place Public Market Historic District. We will be assisting our client McAleese Properties LLC, in taking the adaptive re-use of the property through the National Park Service tax credit review. Working in collaboration with lead architects Chesmore/Buck Architecture, the project involves the total rehabilitation of the Butterworth & Sons Undertakers… read more